takes props of type ConfigProps
import { UseInkProvider } from 'useink';
import { RococoContractsTestnet } from 'useink/chains';
function App({ children }) {
const config = {
chains: [RococoContractsTestnet],
caller: {
// An optional default caller address to be used before a user connects their wallet.
default: "5EyR7vEk7DtvEWeefGcXXMV6hKwB8Ex5uvjHufm466mbjJkR",
return (
<UseInkProvider config={config}>
<MyRoutes />
export default App
export type ConfigProps = {
// dappName: This is the name that is displayed when a user first connects their wallet.
// It is also the key used for localStorage in some features.
dappName?: string;
// chains: see `useink/chains` for more chain configurations.
chains: ArrayOneOrMore<Chain>;
// caller: If you want to read from the blockchain before a user connect's their wallet
// then you can set a default caller address globally or on a per chain basis. When making
// a call to a contract the priority level of which address to use will be:
// 1. The address of the user's connected wallet
// 2. The address for the chain specified in this config for the chainId. e.g. { astar: '5E.....' }
// 3. The address for the chain specified in `caller.default` in this config.
// If this `caller` is omitted in the config then a user must connect their wallet before they can
// call a contract message.
// NOTE: Default caller addresses cannot be used for transactions, which require a signature.
// See and related hooks for examples.
caller?: {
default?: string; // Set the default for all chains that do not have a
} & Partial<Result<ChainId, string>>;
events?: {
// expiration: Time in miliseconds before an event is removed from state.
// This is used in the useEvent() hook for contracts
// Set to 0 to prevent events from being removed from state
// Default: 5000 (5 seconds)
expiration?: number;
// checkInterval: The amount of time to wait before checking which events need to be removed.
checkInterval?: number;
wallet?: {
// skipAutoConnect: Skip a dApp from using localStorage to restore a previously connected account
// Default: true
skipAutoConnect?: boolean;
Adding a Custom Chain Config
You can add your own chain config by modifying the Custom
chain config. e.g.
import { UseInkProvider } from 'useink';
import { Custom, Chain } from 'useink/chains';
const MyChain: Chain = {
// NOTE: The value of 'id' should be 'custom'. ChainId must be of a known value that we
// have already defined in useink/chains. We do this because chainId is used as an
// argument in many hooks and we want to prevent bugs due to mispelled chain names.
// For example: `useBlockHeader('astart')` would return undefined because `astart`
// is not a chainId. `astar` is the correct name. ChainId has known values so that
// TypeScript will show you your error before runtime.
id: 'custom',
name: 'My New Blockchain',
rpcs: ['wss://'],
function App({ children }) {
return (
<UseInkProvider config={{ chains: [MyChain] }}>
<MyRoutes />
export default App
Using the above config you can call hooks with or without the chainId
as an argument.
e.g. useBlockHeaders()
(defaults to 'custom') or useBlockHeaders('custom')
Last updated